Some investors show a lack of conviction on gender inclusion, while others resist changing business as usual.
Some investors do not see how gender inclusion is material to them as they may not be aware of the business case for GLI.

Perceived trade-offs in the market between returns and impact together with deep-rooted biases and stereotypes that women are less capable than men as fund managers, founders, and leaders, also drive resistance to change.
Where investors may be convinced that GLI is important for them, they may lack the know-how or resources to do so
While there are multiple entry points for investors to engage on GLI, this may be confusing or intimidating for those engaging on this for the first time. These investors often don't know where to start or where to find suitable vehicles to match their needs to make such investments.

Assessing the impact of gender lens strategies involves costs, and thus requires resources that may not be available.
More incentives are needed to help investors apply gender lens approaches
There is an increased role for development finance institutions, multilateral development banks, and limited partners in incentivizing markets and enterprises to apply GLI approaches.