Sapna Chadha, VP of SEA and South Asia Frontier at Google, seated as she speaks with another individual about leveraging AI in marketing for business success
AI in marketing
Real Talk:
Google’s Sapna Chadha, VP of SEA and South Asia Frontier, shares what you need to know about AI for business success.
All that AI-powered
marketing buzz —
isn’t it just hype?
It’s here for good. Take it from those who’ve adopted AI:
of companies saw a revenue increase.1
saw cost reductions.2
of marketing will be AI augmented by 2030.3
With Google AI, you can analyse, predict, and generate the most relevant ads at speed and scale.
This lets you satisfy customers’ billions of searches daily, 15% of which are entirely new.4
Will I still have a role to
play when marketing
is powered by AI? 
Yes, a critical one. Google AI may be the engine of growth and profits, but your unique expertise, skills and ingenuity are needed in the driver’s seat.

Your strategy, data, and creatives steer the campaigns toward your goals. It’s your marketing, multiplied by Google AI across your:
• Customer connections
• Confidence 
• Creative
Ok, how will AI grow
my customer
Google AI can:
Analyse the most complex customer journeys
Predict new demand and ways to improve your marketing
Generate and deliver tailored ads, optimised in real-time, to those most likely to purchase
Here’s an example →
Performance Max, powered by AI, can multiply conversions across all of Google’s ad channels and maximise ROI. 
Advertisers who’ve used Performance Max see 18% more conversions at a similar cost per action.5
One example is Isuzu →
increase in qualified leads
lower cost per qualified lead
Isuzu paired Performance Max with Search broad match.
And further fuelled it with enhanced conversions for leads.
And how does
Google AI increase
my confidence?
When you activate consented first-party data in privacy-safe ways with Google AI solutions, you get
trusted conversion measurements. 
You also get reliable insights on audiences, search terms, and demand, which help you make confident decisions.
What about my
creative — how can
Google AI amp it up?
Specify your creative vision and needs in our AI solutions and instantly get high-quality ads that work for every customer.
Performance Max’s new asset creation flow (alpha) lets you generate new assets or winning ad combinations from your current web and ad assets.
Performance Max
Google AI can also analyse your creative performance and improve it.
Using Google’s Vision AI, footwear brand Ugg found the optimal
number of shoes to feature in its creative, driving: 
jump in return
on ad spend.
rise in CTR.
AI in marketing is
powerful, but is it
safe to use?
At Google, our AI Principles underpin our commitment to responsible use of AI, and they inform how we build our solutions.
Responsible AI is of the utmost importance to us because billions of users, like yourself, count on us to get it right.  
Is there a simple
guide to using AI in
Google Ads AI Essentials is here to help you achieve your full potential with AI.
Give AI Essentials a try today.
Writer: Shuang Ang, Lijie Huang
Production lead: Carmen Leong
Design and animation: PHQ (Agency)


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